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A summer night with the last August summer moon was the perfect scenery to sing a Greek song about the August full moon. A song that is originally sung by the greatest male Greek voice of all times, in my opinion, Dimitris Mitropanos. A voice that has all the male characteristics and emotions piled up together! Now combine that voice with the sublime music of Marios Tokas – one of the greatest Greek-Cypriot composers of the 20th century that I was blessed to meet when I was a younger musician.

No copyright infringement intended.


Copyright (c) UMG (on behalf of Minos – EMI SA)

Song: Ton Augousto Pou Mou Hrostas / Τον Αύγουστο Που Μου Χρωστάς

Guitar: Alexis Lontos Leonidou

Written by: Marios Tokas & Filippos Grapsas / Μάριος Τόκας & Φίλιππος Γράψας

Originally sung by: Dimitris Mitropanos / Δημήτρης Μητροπάνος

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#mariostokas #alexislontosleonidou #alexisleonidou #tonaugoustopoumouxrostas #alexislontos #alexis #dimitrismitropanos #lontosleonidou

Dimitris Mitropanos was one of the most renowned singers, if not the most renowned singer of Laïkó, a Greek music genre. A pioneer and a highly influential figure, Mitropanos performed multiple iconic songs that remain in history and are integral parts of Greek music playlists. Marios Tokas, the composer of this song, was also one of the most influential and historical figures of Greek music. Born in Limassol, Cyprus, Marios Tokas moved to Greece, to explore the music scene there. He remains to this date, one of the most important composers in Greek and Cypriot histories.

The song “Ton Augousto Pou Mou Hrostas” is a melancholic song about a summer love that slowly faded with the autumn leaves. Alexis Lontos covered this song, on an August evening, on


Τον Αύγουστο που μου χρωστάς
τον ξέχασες
σε απόσταση αναπνοής
και με έχασες
Κι αυτό το καλοκαίρι χαραμίστηκε
φθινόπωρο κι η αγάπη μας βυθίστηκε
Τ’ αυγουστιάτικο φεγγάρι δεν το βρήκαμε
πιο νωρίς ήρθε ο Σεπτέμβρης και χαθήκαμε
πώς χωρίσαμε με τόση ευκολία
φθινόπωρο θα πει μελαγχολία
Τον Αύγουστο που μου χρωστάς
τον ξέχασες
τι θέσεις που κρατήσαμε
τις πέταξες
Δυο ξένα χέρια τώρα πια σε δέχονται
και τα αισθήματά μου επιστρέφονται
Τ’ αυγουστιάτικο φεγγάρι δεν το βρήκαμε
πιο νωρίς ήρθε ο Σεπτέμβρης και χαθήκαμε
πώς χωρίσαμε με τόση ευκολία
φθινόπωρο θα πει μελαγχολία
Τ’ αυγουστιάτικο φεγγάρι δεν το βρήκαμε
πιο νωρίς ήρθε ο Σεπτέμβρης και χαθήκαμε
πώς χωρίσαμε με τόση ευκολία
φθινόπωρο θα πει μελαγχολία

Alexis Lontos Leonidou

Alexis Lontos Leonidou

Alexis Lontos Leonidou is a producer, composer, songwriter and singer. Having grown up in a family where arts in general played a significant role, it was inevitable for Alexis not to show great interest in music and arts from a very young age. Upon completing his high school education, he enrolled in the National Conservatory of Athens in Greece. He graduated in 2007 receiving a Diploma with Excellence in Harmony and Counterpoint, while also acquiring a Diploma with Excellence in Voice from the Music Horizon Conservatory of Athens. In addition, Alexis holds a Diploma from the London College of Music at Thames Valley in Music Theory and Literacy (LMusLCM). Subsequently, he moved to New York City to study as an undergraduate student at the renowned Mannes College for Music pursuing a degree in Classical Composition. At the same time, Alexis Leonidou also studied Orchestral Conducting at the evening division of the Juilliard School, under one of the most prominent 20th Century Conductors, Vincent La Selva. During his studies in New York City, Alexis was blessed enough to work and attend classes under important composers such as John Corigliano, Christopher Theofanides, Rudolph Palmer, David Loeb, Agrippino Bellino, Frederick Hand and many more.

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